Tuesday, September 9, 2008

9 Months

Well we just got back from our 9 month appointment. This one was a little more intensive than usual because they thought the baby was breached, so we got to have another ultrasound, which was exciting. The best part was that the baby had flipped and is now head down and ready to make it's way out. Actually Tara is already 1cm dilated, which doesn't mean a whole lot other than the baby's head is fitting into her where it needs to go. They did some measurements and they told us that there is some degree of error but that the baby looks to be about 7 pounds and the due date is staying pretty close but it seems like things may start to move rather quickly. So from here on out everyone is on call, this baby is going to come when it is good and ready. We are VERY excited to become parents and can't wait for the baby to meet all of its family and friends.