Thursday, April 24, 2008

Ground Rules

I wanted to post another quick message about the pregnancy. Tara and I are very excited to start our family and since this is our first we will probably be turning to those around us with experience for advice. I want everyone to be involved and have easy access to what is going on and that is why we started this. However, for future reference, we are not going to find out what sex the baby is and we have not made a decision about names, but don't worry it will be here before we know it and everyone will find out then.
Tara started off the pregnancy in rough shape, I wasn't sure she was going to agree to have any more children at first. She is feeling much better now just hoping to get over the fatigue soon and try to stay as normal as possible. Right now she has the coolest little belly and I will post pictures as soon as I can so you can see the progress being made. We have already gotten our crib and a stroller for the baby and have been shopping around for other furniture. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Anyway, I better get going I will talk to you later

Our New Addition

Well for those of you that don't know Tara and I are expecting an addition to our family. That's right guys, another little Leal running around. We found out at the end of January and Tara is due right now on October 7th. We have been to a couple of appointments with our doctor and things are going well so far. Our biggest scare was when we were listening to the heart beat witha monitor we borrowed from friends and we thought there were two heart beats. Right now Tara is about 16 weeks along and we will get more details when we go to the doctor on May 20th for our first Ultrasound. I will try to keep this update and post some pictures and things like that but no promises. Hope all is well with everyone else and hope you enjoy the blog.